SASE Conference 2018, Tokyo - RN Alternatives to Capitalism: Call for Papers
Extended deadline to submit a paper or panel proposal to the research network 'Alternatives to Capitalism': Monday, January, 29th .
Lara, Torsten & Katherine - the convenors of the network - look forward to reading your proposals.
CfP embedded (pdf icon) with all the details. A number of scholarships are also available.
WIAS Workshop: Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism
Wednesday 31 January 2018
309 Regent Street
University of Westminster
London W1B 2HW
This workshop marks the publication of the special issue “Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism” in tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. We will hear presentations by experts who have contributed to the issue: guest editor Thomas Allmer (University of Stirling), Karen Gregory (University of Edinburgh) and Jamie Woodcock (LSE).
Irish Academy of Management 21st annual conference: Call for Paper
Abstracts are due 31st January. The conference includes a Doctoral Colloquium, Early Career Workshop, and other interesting sessions.
Check it out: https://iamireland.ie/annual-conference/2018.html#%3C/div%3E
Irish Academy of Management 21st annual conference: Call for Paper
Abstracts are due 31st January. The conference includes a Doctoral Colloquium, Early Career Workshop, and other interesting sessions.
Check it out: https://iamireland.ie/annual-conference/2018.html#%3C/div%3E
Irish Academy of Management 21st annual conference: Call for Papers
Abstracts are due 31st January. The conference includes a Doctoral Colloquium, Early Career Workshop, and other interesting sessions.
Check it out: https://iamireland.ie/annual-conference/2018.html#%3C/div%3E
WORK/NOW: a workshop on labour and life
An invitation to the first of a series of two free workshops called WORK/NOW: a workshop on labour and life. This first session will focus on key debates and issues in studies of work and the workplace. For example: How does work use elements of life itself in its logics? How do we work now? Where do we work now? And, what does it mean to work, now? The workshop is aimed largely at doctoral students and early career researchers, but is open to all.
We are thrilled to have Dr Janet Merkel, lecturer in cultural and creative industries at City University London, joining us as our keynote speaker.
This session will be held on Tuesday 6th February between 1pm and 5pm at 11 Bedford Square, Bloomsbury, London (WC1B 3RE).
For further details, and to reserve a place, click here:
4th Royal Economic Society Symposium of Junior Researchers
The Royal Economic Society is pleased to announce its 4th Symposium of Junior Researchers, which will take place on 29 March, 2018 at the University of Sussex. This year's keynote address will be given by Professor Oriana Bandiera (LSE).
With the support of the Royal Economic Society, the event is organised by research students for research students. Its objectives are to bring together students to foster discussion and dissemination of research in all areas of economics. The Symposium takes place following the Annual Conference of the RES.
It is our hope to bring together a larger group of researchers than only the presenters, and attendance (up to full capacity) is encouraged for all who are interested, even those who do not present. The deadline for submission of draft papers is January 19th, 2018 and more information can be found at https://sites.google.com/site/resjunsym/
5th BUIRA PhD Symposium: Call for Papers
The British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) invites you to take part in the 2017 BUIRA PhD Symposium, to be held at Cardiff University from Thursday the 30th of November to Friday the 1st of December.
This year’s Symposium invites PhD students at any stage of their research to deliver a talk to their fellow delegates. The event provides an opportunity to deliver an academic presentation in a supportive and collaborative atmosphere to a smaller audience than the average conference, making it a particularly valuable occasion for earlier year PhD researchers to gain valuable experience presenting, and to receive constructive feedback from fellow PhD students and senior academics.
Empirical (both quantitative and qualitative), analytical, conceptual and methodological papers are all welcome. The frontiers of industrial relations as a field of study continue to expand, providing crucial insights into work, employment, and employment relations in twenty-first century societies, and we look forward to receiving submissions that reflect this. If you do wish to present, please submit an abstract of up to 250 words to buiraphd@outlook.com by Friday the 20th of October.
We look forward to seeing you in Cardiff!